FREE Pickleball Coaching Resources

Mark Renneson, Pickleball Coaching International

Hello Pickleball Lovers!

Just a quick heads up about something you may or may not know about...

You are receiving this email because you have been given access to Pickleball Coaching International's FREE Introductory Instructor Training Program. 

This is a new program focused on teaching brand new players how to play the game we all love. If you are a pickleball introducer, I bet you'll love it.

While this isn't news to all of you receiving this email, we just discovered that some of you weren't sent an email notifying you of this amazing perk!

For our pickleball loving friends well versed in the program; thank you for joining us and feel free to disregard this email.

For anyone reading this who hasn't yet logged into the program -- welcome! You can find everything you need right here

And for anyone looking to take the next step, our Level 1 Instructor Certification Program can be found here.  


Mark Renneson
Pickleball Coaching International