
If your Business would like to become a Sponsor of Logan Pickleball Club, make an enquiry through our "Contact Us" page!



Sponsors are businesses and organisations in our community that provide foundational resources and monies for the start up club and receive recognition on club branded properties including club shirts, website and newsletters.

This club is seeking to have a club structure and be member friendly from our first day of play; so there are systems and things to put in place soon for which assistance is sought from Foundational Sponsors.

Sponsors may help resource:

Club equipment, nets, shirts and storage of equipment

- Transport of equipment between venues 
- Implementation of booking and accounting system
- Workspace for club officers and volunteers
- Applications for financial support from businesses and Government
- Social media and website communications
- Tournament team support for State and National Championships



Volunteers are members of our community who are willing to assist the start up club because they recognise the benefits that Pickleball offers the community. Pickleball is a healthy activity that is social and fun and easy to learn.

A great way for people to meet others in their community and gain healthy activity as we emerge from a pandemic that partition us away for awhile. The club is applying to Centrelink for recognition of contribution to a community and sports club.

Volunteers may be assisting with:

- Welcoming attendees and completing the registration
- Assisting the trainer with introductory clinics for beginners
- Supervising as new players practise on court
- Scouting Logan Council area for additional indoor venues
- Introducing website directory and iSponsor app to local businesses



Partners are key businesses in our community contributing their professional expertise and resources.

These Foundational Partners may be providing the start up club with:

- Accounting experience with Xero
- Auditor for the club accounts to meet compliance regulations
- Business to provide an office in Logan where club officers and volunteers can meet for one day a week
- Printing for the hardcopy business directory and club manual that will mirror the website directory.
- Promotional material such as club shirts for on court with sponsors identity and off court club shirts
- Insurance broker to assist with package of needed policies
- Legal experience in conduct of club matters and meetings

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